Source code for elasticsearch.helpers.vectorstore._async.strategies

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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch
from elasticsearch.helpers.vectorstore._async._utils import model_must_be_deployed
from elasticsearch.helpers.vectorstore._utils import DistanceMetric

class AsyncRetrievalStrategy(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def es_query( self, *, query: Optional[str], query_vector: Optional[List[float]], text_field: str, vector_field: str, k: int, num_candidates: int, filter: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the Elasticsearch query body for the given parameters. The store will execute the query. :param query: The text query. Can be None if query_vector is given. :param k: The total number of results to retrieve. :param num_candidates: The number of results to fetch initially in knn search. :param filter: List of filter clauses to apply to the query. :param query_vector: The query vector. Can be None if a query string is given. :return: The Elasticsearch query body. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def es_mappings_settings( self, *, text_field: str, vector_field: str, num_dimensions: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Create the required index and do necessary preliminary work, like creating inference pipelines or checking if a required model was deployed. :param client: Elasticsearch client connection. :param text_field: The field containing the text data in the index. :param vector_field: The field containing the vector representations in the index. :param num_dimensions: If vectors are indexed, how many dimensions do they have. :return: Dictionary with field and field type pairs that describe the schema. """
[docs] async def before_index_creation( self, *, client: AsyncElasticsearch, text_field: str, vector_field: str ) -> None: """ Executes before the index is created. Used for setting up any required Elasticsearch resources like a pipeline. Defaults to a no-op. :param client: The Elasticsearch client. :param text_field: The field containing the text data in the index. :param vector_field: The field containing the vector representations in the index. """ pass
[docs] def needs_inference(self) -> bool: """ Some retrieval strategies index embedding vectors and allow search by embedding vector, for example the `DenseVectorStrategy` strategy. Mapping a user input query string to an embedding vector is called inference. Inference can be applied in Elasticsearch (using a `model_id`) or outside of Elasticsearch (using an `EmbeddingService` defined on the `VectorStore`). In the latter case, this method has to return True. """ return False
class AsyncSparseVectorStrategy(AsyncRetrievalStrategy): """Sparse retrieval strategy using the `text_expansion` processor."""
[docs] def __init__(self, model_id: str = ".elser_model_2"): self.model_id = model_id self._tokens_field = "tokens" self._pipeline_name = f"{self.model_id}_sparse_embedding"
[docs] def es_query( self, *, query: Optional[str], query_vector: Optional[List[float]], text_field: str, vector_field: str, k: int, num_candidates: int, filter: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if query_vector: raise ValueError( "Cannot do sparse retrieval with a query_vector. " "Inference is currently always applied in Elasticsearch." ) if query is None: raise ValueError("please specify a query string") return { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "text_expansion": { f"{vector_field}.{self._tokens_field}": { "model_id": self.model_id, "model_text": query, } } } ], "filter": filter, } } }
[docs] def es_mappings_settings( self, *, text_field: str, vector_field: str, num_dimensions: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: mappings: Dict[str, Any] = { "properties": { vector_field: { "properties": {self._tokens_field: {"type": "rank_features"}} } } } settings = {"default_pipeline": self._pipeline_name} return mappings, settings
[docs] async def before_index_creation( self, *, client: AsyncElasticsearch, text_field: str, vector_field: str ) -> None: if self.model_id: await model_must_be_deployed(client, self.model_id) # Create a pipeline for the model await client.ingest.put_pipeline( id=self._pipeline_name, description="Embedding pipeline for Python VectorStore", processors=[ { "inference": { "model_id": self.model_id, "target_field": vector_field, "field_map": {text_field: "text_field"}, "inference_config": { "text_expansion": {"results_field": self._tokens_field} }, } } ], )
class AsyncDenseVectorStrategy(AsyncRetrievalStrategy): """K-nearest-neighbors retrieval."""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, distance: DistanceMetric = DistanceMetric.COSINE, model_id: Optional[str] = None, hybrid: bool = False, rrf: Union[bool, Dict[str, Any]] = True, text_field: Optional[str] = "text_field", ): if hybrid and not text_field: raise ValueError( "to enable hybrid you have to specify a text_field (for BM25Strategy matching)" ) self.distance = distance self.model_id = model_id self.hybrid = hybrid self.rrf = rrf self.text_field = text_field
[docs] def es_query( self, *, query: Optional[str], query_vector: Optional[List[float]], text_field: str, vector_field: str, k: int, num_candidates: int, filter: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: knn = { "filter": filter, "field": vector_field, "k": k, "num_candidates": num_candidates, } if query_vector is not None: knn["query_vector"] = query_vector else: # Inference in Elasticsearch. When initializing we make sure to always have # a model_id if don't have an embedding_service. knn["query_vector_builder"] = { "text_embedding": { "model_id": self.model_id, "model_text": query, } } if self.hybrid: return self._hybrid(query=cast(str, query), knn=knn, filter=filter) return {"knn": knn}
[docs] def es_mappings_settings( self, *, text_field: str, vector_field: str, num_dimensions: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: if self.distance is DistanceMetric.COSINE: similarity = "cosine" elif self.distance is DistanceMetric.EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE: similarity = "l2_norm" elif self.distance is DistanceMetric.DOT_PRODUCT: similarity = "dot_product" elif self.distance is DistanceMetric.MAX_INNER_PRODUCT: similarity = "max_inner_product" else: raise ValueError(f"Similarity {self.distance} not supported.") mappings: Dict[str, Any] = { "properties": { vector_field: { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": num_dimensions, "index": True, "similarity": similarity, }, } } return mappings, {}
[docs] async def before_index_creation( self, *, client: AsyncElasticsearch, text_field: str, vector_field: str ) -> None: if self.model_id: await model_must_be_deployed(client, self.model_id)
def _hybrid( self, query: str, knn: Dict[str, Any], filter: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Add a query to the knn query. # RRF is used to even the score from the knn query and text query # RRF has two optional parameters: {'rank_constant':int, 'rank_window_size':int} # standard_query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { self.text_field: { "query": query, } } } ], "filter": filter, } } } if self.rrf is False: query_body = { "knn": knn, **standard_query, } else: rrf_options = {} if isinstance(self.rrf, Dict): if "rank_constant" in self.rrf: rrf_options["rank_constant"] = self.rrf["rank_constant"] if "window_size" in self.rrf: # 'window_size' was renamed to 'rank_window_size', but we support # the older name for backwards compatibility rrf_options["rank_window_size"] = self.rrf["window_size"] if "rank_window_size" in self.rrf: rrf_options["rank_window_size"] = self.rrf["rank_window_size"] query_body = { "retriever": { "rrf": { "retrievers": [ {"standard": standard_query}, {"knn": knn}, ], **rrf_options, }, }, } return query_body
[docs] def needs_inference(self) -> bool: return not self.model_id
class AsyncDenseVectorScriptScoreStrategy(AsyncRetrievalStrategy): """Exact nearest neighbors retrieval using the `script_score` query."""
[docs] def __init__(self, distance: DistanceMetric = DistanceMetric.COSINE) -> None: self.distance = distance
[docs] def es_query( self, *, query: Optional[str], query_vector: Optional[List[float]], text_field: str, vector_field: str, k: int, num_candidates: int, filter: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not query_vector: raise ValueError("specify a query_vector") if self.distance is DistanceMetric.COSINE: similarity_algo = ( f"cosineSimilarity(params.query_vector, '{vector_field}') + 1.0" ) elif self.distance is DistanceMetric.EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE: similarity_algo = f"1 / (1 + l2norm(params.query_vector, '{vector_field}'))" elif self.distance is DistanceMetric.DOT_PRODUCT: similarity_algo = f""" double value = dotProduct(params.query_vector, '{vector_field}'); return sigmoid(1, Math.E, -value); """ elif self.distance is DistanceMetric.MAX_INNER_PRODUCT: similarity_algo = f""" double value = dotProduct(params.query_vector, '{vector_field}'); if (dotProduct < 0) {{ return 1 / (1 + -1 * dotProduct); }} return dotProduct + 1; """ else: raise ValueError(f"Similarity {self.distance} not supported.") query_bool: Dict[str, Any] = {"match_all": {}} if filter: query_bool = {"bool": {"filter": filter}} return { "query": { "script_score": { "query": query_bool, "script": { "source": similarity_algo, "params": {"query_vector": query_vector}, }, }, } }
[docs] def es_mappings_settings( self, *, text_field: str, vector_field: str, num_dimensions: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: mappings = { "properties": { vector_field: { "type": "dense_vector", "dims": num_dimensions, "index": False, } } } return mappings, {}
[docs] def needs_inference(self) -> bool: return True
class AsyncBM25Strategy(AsyncRetrievalStrategy):
[docs] def __init__( self, k1: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, ): self.k1 = k1 self.b = b
[docs] def es_query( self, *, query: Optional[str], query_vector: Optional[List[float]], text_field: str, vector_field: str, k: int, num_candidates: int, filter: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { text_field: { "query": query, } }, }, ], "filter": filter, }, }, }
[docs] def es_mappings_settings( self, *, text_field: str, vector_field: str, num_dimensions: Optional[int], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: similarity_name = "custom_bm25" mappings: Dict[str, Any] = { "properties": { text_field: { "type": "text", "similarity": similarity_name, }, }, } bm25: Dict[str, Any] = { "type": "BM25", } if self.k1 is not None: bm25["k1"] = self.k1 if self.b is not None: bm25["b"] = self.b settings = { "similarity": { similarity_name: bm25, } } return mappings, settings