Source code for langchain_core.beta.runnables.context

import asyncio
import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from import Awaitable, Mapping, Sequence
from functools import partial
from itertools import groupby
from typing import (

from pydantic import ConfigDict

from langchain_core._api.beta_decorator import beta
from langchain_core.runnables.base import (
from langchain_core.runnables.config import RunnableConfig, ensure_config, patch_config
from langchain_core.runnables.utils import ConfigurableFieldSpec, Input, Output

T = TypeVar("T")
Values = dict[Union[asyncio.Event, threading.Event], Any]
CONTEXT_CONFIG_PREFIX = "__context__/"

async def _asetter(done: asyncio.Event, values: Values, value: T) -> T:
    values[done] = value
    return value

async def _agetter(done: asyncio.Event, values: Values) -> Any:
    await done.wait()
    return values[done]

def _setter(done: threading.Event, values: Values, value: T) -> T:
    values[done] = value
    return value

def _getter(done: threading.Event, values: Values) -> Any:
    return values[done]

def _key_from_id(id_: str) -> str:
    wout_prefix = id_.split(CONTEXT_CONFIG_PREFIX, maxsplit=1)[1]
    if wout_prefix.endswith(CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_GET):
        return wout_prefix[: -len(CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_GET)]
    elif wout_prefix.endswith(CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_SET):
        return wout_prefix[: -len(CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_SET)]
        msg = f"Invalid context config id {id_}"
        raise ValueError(msg)

def _config_with_context(
    config: RunnableConfig,
    steps: list[Runnable],
    setter: Callable,
    getter: Callable,
    event_cls: Union[type[threading.Event], type[asyncio.Event]],
) -> RunnableConfig:
    if any(k.startswith(CONTEXT_CONFIG_PREFIX) for k in config.get("configurable", {})):
        return config

    context_specs = [
        (spec, i)
        for i, step in enumerate(steps)
        for spec in step.config_specs
    grouped_by_key = {
        key: list(group)
        for key, group in groupby(
            sorted(context_specs, key=lambda s: s[0].id),
            key=lambda s: _key_from_id(s[0].id),
    deps_by_key = {
        key: {
            _key_from_id(dep) for spec in group for dep in (spec[0].dependencies or [])
        for key, group in grouped_by_key.items()

    values: Values = {}
    events: defaultdict[str, Union[asyncio.Event, threading.Event]] = defaultdict(
    context_funcs: dict[str, Callable[[], Any]] = {}
    for key, group in grouped_by_key.items():
        getters = [s for s in group if s[0].id.endswith(CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_GET)]
        setters = [s for s in group if s[0].id.endswith(CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_SET)]

        for dep in deps_by_key[key]:
            if key in deps_by_key[dep]:
                msg = f"Deadlock detected between context keys {key} and {dep}"
                raise ValueError(msg)
        if len(setters) != 1:
            msg = f"Expected exactly one setter for context key {key}"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        setter_idx = setters[0][1]
        if any(getter_idx < setter_idx for _, getter_idx in getters):
            msg = f"Context setter for key {key} must be defined after all getters."
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if getters:
            context_funcs[getters[0][0].id] = partial(getter, events[key], values)
        context_funcs[setters[0][0].id] = partial(setter, events[key], values)

    return patch_config(config, configurable=context_funcs)

[docs] def aconfig_with_context( config: RunnableConfig, steps: list[Runnable], ) -> RunnableConfig: """Asynchronously patch a runnable config with context getters and setters. Args: config: The runnable config. steps: The runnable steps. Returns: The patched runnable config. """ return _config_with_context(config, steps, _asetter, _agetter, asyncio.Event)
[docs] def config_with_context( config: RunnableConfig, steps: list[Runnable], ) -> RunnableConfig: """Patch a runnable config with context getters and setters. Args: config: The runnable config. steps: The runnable steps. Returns: The patched runnable config. """ return _config_with_context(config, steps, _setter, _getter, threading.Event)
[docs] @beta() class ContextGet(RunnableSerializable): """Get a context value.""" prefix: str = "" key: Union[str, list[str]] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"ContextGet({_print_keys(self.key)})" @property def ids(self) -> list[str]: prefix = self.prefix + "/" if self.prefix else "" keys = self.key if isinstance(self.key, list) else [self.key] return [ f"{CONTEXT_CONFIG_PREFIX}{prefix}{k}{CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_GET}" for k in keys ] @property def config_specs(self) -> list[ConfigurableFieldSpec]: return super().config_specs + [ ConfigurableFieldSpec( id=id_, annotation=Callable[[], Any], ) for id_ in self.ids ]
[docs] def invoke( self, input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: config = ensure_config(config) configurable = config.get("configurable", {}) if isinstance(self.key, list): return {key: configurable[id_]() for key, id_ in zip(self.key, self.ids)} else: return configurable[self.ids[0]]()
[docs] async def ainvoke( self, input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: config = ensure_config(config) configurable = config.get("configurable", {}) if isinstance(self.key, list): values = await asyncio.gather(*(configurable[id_]() for id_ in self.ids)) return dict(zip(self.key, values)) else: return await configurable[self.ids[0]]()
SetValue = Union[ Runnable[Input, Output], Callable[[Input], Output], Callable[[Input], Awaitable[Output]], Any, ] def _coerce_set_value(value: SetValue) -> Runnable[Input, Output]: if not isinstance(value, Runnable) and not callable(value): return coerce_to_runnable(lambda _: value) return coerce_to_runnable(value)
[docs] @beta() class ContextSet(RunnableSerializable): """Set a context value.""" prefix: str = "" keys: Mapping[str, Optional[Runnable]] model_config = ConfigDict( arbitrary_types_allowed=True, ) def __init__( self, key: Optional[str] = None, value: Optional[SetValue] = None, prefix: str = "", **kwargs: SetValue, ): if key is not None: kwargs[key] = value super().__init__( # type: ignore[call-arg] keys={ k: _coerce_set_value(v) if v is not None else None for k, v in kwargs.items() }, prefix=prefix, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"ContextSet({_print_keys(list(self.keys.keys()))})" @property def ids(self) -> list[str]: prefix = self.prefix + "/" if self.prefix else "" return [ f"{CONTEXT_CONFIG_PREFIX}{prefix}{key}{CONTEXT_CONFIG_SUFFIX_SET}" for key in self.keys ] @property def config_specs(self) -> list[ConfigurableFieldSpec]: mapper_config_specs = [ s for mapper in self.keys.values() if mapper is not None for s in mapper.config_specs ] for spec in mapper_config_specs: if getter_key ="/")[1] if getter_key in self.keys: msg = f"Circular reference in context setter for key {getter_key}" raise ValueError(msg) return super().config_specs + [ ConfigurableFieldSpec( id=id_, annotation=Callable[[], Any], ) for id_ in self.ids ]
[docs] def invoke( self, input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: config = ensure_config(config) configurable = config.get("configurable", {}) for id_, mapper in zip(self.ids, self.keys.values()): if mapper is not None: configurable[id_](mapper.invoke(input, config)) else: configurable[id_](input) return input
[docs] async def ainvoke( self, input: Any, config: Optional[RunnableConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Any: config = ensure_config(config) configurable = config.get("configurable", {}) for id_, mapper in zip(self.ids, self.keys.values()): if mapper is not None: await configurable[id_](await mapper.ainvoke(input, config)) else: await configurable[id_](input) return input
[docs] class Context: """Context for a runnable. The `Context` class provides methods for creating context scopes, getters, and setters within a runnable. It allows for managing and accessing contextual information throughout the execution of a program. Example: .. code-block:: python from langchain_core.beta.runnables.context import Context from langchain_core.runnables.passthrough import RunnablePassthrough from langchain_core.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate from langchain_core.output_parsers.string import StrOutputParser from tests.unit_tests.fake.llm import FakeListLLM chain = ( Context.setter("input") | { "context": RunnablePassthrough() | Context.setter("context"), "question": RunnablePassthrough(), } | PromptTemplate.from_template("{context} {question}") | FakeListLLM(responses=["hello"]) | StrOutputParser() | { "result": RunnablePassthrough(), "context": Context.getter("context"), "input": Context.getter("input"), } ) # Use the chain output = chain.invoke("What's your name?") print(output["result"]) # Output: "hello" print(output["context"]) # Output: "What's your name?" print(output["input"]) # Output: "What's your name? """
[docs] @staticmethod def create_scope(scope: str, /) -> "PrefixContext": """Create a context scope. Args: scope: The scope. Returns: The context scope. """ return PrefixContext(prefix=scope)
[docs] @staticmethod def getter(key: Union[str, list[str]], /) -> ContextGet: return ContextGet(key=key)
[docs] @staticmethod def setter( _key: Optional[str] = None, _value: Optional[SetValue] = None, /, **kwargs: SetValue, ) -> ContextSet: return ContextSet(_key, _value, prefix="", **kwargs)
[docs] class PrefixContext: """Context for a runnable with a prefix.""" prefix: str = ""
[docs] def __init__(self, prefix: str = ""): self.prefix = prefix
[docs] def getter(self, key: Union[str, list[str]], /) -> ContextGet: return ContextGet(key=key, prefix=self.prefix)
[docs] def setter( self, _key: Optional[str] = None, _value: Optional[SetValue] = None, /, **kwargs: SetValue, ) -> ContextSet: return ContextSet(_key, _value, prefix=self.prefix, **kwargs)
def _print_keys(keys: Union[str, Sequence[str]]) -> str: if isinstance(keys, str): return f"'{keys}'" else: return ", ".join(f"'{k}'" for k in keys)