"""Adapted from
MIT License.
from collections import deque
from collections.abc import (
from contextlib import AbstractAsyncContextManager
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (
T = TypeVar("T")
_no_default = object()
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Lib/test/test_asyncgen.py#L54
# before 3.10, the builtin anext() was not available
def py_anext(
iterator: AsyncIterator[T], default: Union[T, Any] = _no_default
) -> Awaitable[Union[T, None, Any]]:
"""Pure-Python implementation of anext() for testing purposes.
Closely matches the builtin anext() C implementation.
Can be used to compare the built-in implementation of the inner
coroutines machinery to C-implementation of __anext__() and send()
or throw() on the returned generator.
iterator: The async iterator to advance.
default: The value to return if the iterator is exhausted.
If not provided, a StopAsyncIteration exception is raised.
The next value from the iterator, or the default value
if the iterator is exhausted.
TypeError: If the iterator is not an async iterator.
__anext__ = cast(
Callable[[AsyncIterator[T]], Awaitable[T]], type(iterator).__anext__
except AttributeError as e:
msg = f"{iterator!r} is not an async iterator"
raise TypeError(msg) from e
if default is _no_default:
return __anext__(iterator)
async def anext_impl() -> Union[T, Any]:
# The C code is way more low-level than this, as it implements
# all methods of the iterator protocol. In this implementation
# we're relying on higher-level coroutine concepts, but that's
# exactly what we want -- crosstest pure-Python high-level
# implementation and low-level C anext() iterators.
return await __anext__(iterator)
except StopAsyncIteration:
return default
return anext_impl()
class NoLock:
"""Dummy lock that provides the proper interface but no protection."""
async def __aenter__(self) -> None:
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> bool:
return False
async def tee_peer(
iterator: AsyncIterator[T],
# the buffer specific to this peer
buffer: deque[T],
# the buffers of all peers, including our own
peers: list[deque[T]],
lock: AbstractAsyncContextManager[Any],
) -> AsyncGenerator[T, None]:
"""An individual iterator of a :py:func:`~.tee`.
This function is a generator that yields items from the shared iterator
``iterator``. It buffers items until the least advanced iterator has
yielded them as well. The buffer is shared with all other peers.
iterator: The shared iterator.
buffer: The buffer for this peer.
peers: The buffers of all peers.
lock: The lock to synchronise access to the shared buffers.
The next item from the shared iterator.
while True:
if not buffer:
async with lock:
# Another peer produced an item while we were waiting for the lock.
# Proceed with the next loop iteration to yield the item.
if buffer:
item = await iterator.__anext__()
except StopAsyncIteration:
# Append to all buffers, including our own. We'll fetch our
# item from the buffer again, instead of yielding it directly.
# This ensures the proper item ordering if any of our peers
# are fetching items concurrently. They may have buffered their
# item already.
for peer_buffer in peers:
yield buffer.popleft()
async with lock:
# this peer is done – remove its buffer
for idx, peer_buffer in enumerate(peers): # pragma: no branch
if peer_buffer is buffer:
# if we are the last peer, try and close the iterator
if not peers and hasattr(iterator, "aclose"):
await iterator.aclose()
class Tee(Generic[T]):
"""Create ``n`` separate asynchronous iterators over ``iterable``.
This splits a single ``iterable`` into multiple iterators, each providing
the same items in the same order.
All child iterators may advance separately but share the same items
from ``iterable`` -- when the most advanced iterator retrieves an item,
it is buffered until the least advanced iterator has yielded it as well.
A ``tee`` works lazily and can handle an infinite ``iterable``, provided
that all iterators advance.
.. code-block:: python3
async def derivative(sensor_data):
previous, current = a.tee(sensor_data, n=2)
await a.anext(previous) # advance one iterator
return a.map(operator.sub, previous, current)
Unlike :py:func:`itertools.tee`, :py:func:`~.tee` returns a custom type instead
of a :py:class:`tuple`. Like a tuple, it can be indexed, iterated and unpacked
to get the child iterators. In addition, its :py:meth:`~.tee.aclose` method
immediately closes all children, and it can be used in an ``async with`` context
for the same effect.
If ``iterable`` is an iterator and read elsewhere, ``tee`` will *not*
provide these items. Also, ``tee`` must internally buffer each item until the
last iterator has yielded it; if the most and least advanced iterator differ
by most data, using a :py:class:`list` is more efficient (but not lazy).
If the underlying iterable is concurrency safe (``anext`` may be awaited
concurrently) the resulting iterators are concurrency safe as well. Otherwise,
the iterators are safe if there is only ever one single "most advanced" iterator.
To enforce sequential use of ``anext``, provide a ``lock``
- e.g. an :py:class:`asyncio.Lock` instance in an :py:mod:`asyncio` application -
and access is automatically synchronised.
def __init__(
iterable: AsyncIterator[T],
n: int = 2,
lock: Optional[AbstractAsyncContextManager[Any]] = None,
self._iterator = iterable.__aiter__() # before 3.10 aiter() doesn't exist
self._buffers: list[deque[T]] = [deque() for _ in range(n)]
self._children = tuple(
lock=lock if lock is not None else NoLock(),
for buffer in self._buffers
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._children)
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> AsyncIterator[T]: ...
def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> tuple[AsyncIterator[T], ...]: ...
def __getitem__(
self, item: Union[int, slice]
) -> Union[AsyncIterator[T], tuple[AsyncIterator[T], ...]]:
return self._children[item]
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[AsyncIterator[T]]:
yield from self._children
async def __aenter__(self) -> "Tee[T]":
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> bool:
await self.aclose()
return False
async def aclose(self) -> None:
"""Async close all child iterators."""
for child in self._children:
await child.aclose()
atee = Tee
class aclosing(AbstractAsyncContextManager): # noqa: N801
"""Async context manager for safely finalizing an asynchronously cleaned-up
resource such as an async generator, calling its ``aclose()`` method.
Code like this:
async with aclosing(<module>.fetch(<arguments>)) as agen:
is equivalent to this:
agen = <module>.fetch(<arguments>)
await agen.aclose()
def __init__(
self, thing: Union[AsyncGenerator[Any, Any], AsyncIterator[Any]]
) -> None:
self.thing = thing
async def __aenter__(self) -> Union[AsyncGenerator[Any, Any], AsyncIterator[Any]]:
return self.thing
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[type[BaseException]],
exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
if hasattr(self.thing, "aclose"):
await self.thing.aclose()
async def abatch_iterate(
size: int, iterable: AsyncIterable[T]
) -> AsyncIterator[list[T]]:
"""Utility batching function for async iterables.
size: The size of the batch.
iterable: The async iterable to batch.
An async iterator over the batches.
batch: list[T] = []
async for element in iterable:
if len(batch) < size:
if len(batch) >= size:
yield batch
batch = []
if batch:
yield batch