Source code for langchain_google_community.bq_storage_vectorstores.bigquery

import uuid
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Lock, Thread
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Type, Union

from google.api_core.exceptions import ClientError
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings
from pydantic import model_validator

    from import Table

from typing_extensions import Self

from langchain_google_community.bq_storage_vectorstores._base import (

_vector_table_lock = Lock()  # process-wide BigQueryVectorSearch table lock

# Constants for index creation
INDEX_CHECK_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=60)
USER_AGENT_PREFIX = "FeatureStore"

[docs] class BigQueryVectorStore(BaseBigQueryVectorStore): """ A vector store implementation that utilizes BigQuery and BigQuery Vector Search. This class provides efficient storage and retrieval of documents with vector embeddings within BigQuery. It is particularly indicated for prototyping, due the serverless nature of BigQuery, and batch retrieval. It supports similarity search, filtering, and batch operations through `batch_search` method. Optionally, this class can leverage a Vertex AI Feature Store for online serving through the `to_vertex_fs_vector_store` method. Note that the `bigquery.datasets.create permission` is required even if the dataset already exists. This can be avoided by specifying `temp_dataset_name` as the name of an existing dataset. Attributes: embedding: Embedding model for generating and comparing embeddings. project_id: Google Cloud Project ID where BigQuery resources are located. dataset_name: BigQuery dataset name. table_name: BigQuery table name. location: BigQuery region/location. content_field: Name of the column storing document content (default: "content"). embedding_field: Name of the column storing text embeddings (default: "embedding"). temp_dataset_name: Name of the BigQuery dataset to be used to upload temporary BQ tables. If None, will default to "{dataset_name}_temp". doc_id_field: Name of the column storing document IDs (default: "doc_id"). credentials: Optional Google Cloud credentials object. embedding_dimension: Dimension of the embedding vectors (inferred if not provided). distance_type (Literal["COSINE", "EUCLIDEAN", "DOT_PRODUCT"]): The distance metric used for similarity search. Defaults to "EUCLIDEAN". """ distance_type: Literal["COSINE", "EUCLIDEAN", "DOT_PRODUCT"] = "EUCLIDEAN" _creating_index: bool = False _have_index: bool = False _last_index_check: datetime = datetime.min
[docs] def sync_data(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def get_documents( self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Document]: """Search documents by their ids or metadata values. Args: ids: List of ids of documents to retrieve from the vectorstore. filter: Filter on metadata properties, e.g. { "str_property": "foo", "int_property": 123 } Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the vectorstore. """ from import bigquery # type: ignore[attr-defined] if ids and len(ids) > 0: job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig( query_parameters=[ bigquery.ArrayQueryParameter("ids", "STRING", ids), ] ) id_expr = f"{self.doc_id_field} IN UNNEST(@ids)" else: job_config = None id_expr = "TRUE" where_filter_expr = self._create_filters(filter) job = self._bq_client.query( # type: ignore[union-attr] f""" SELECT * FROM `{self.full_table_id}` WHERE {id_expr} AND {where_filter_expr} """, job_config=job_config, ) docs: List[Document] = [] for row in job: metadata = {} for field in row.keys(): if field not in [ self.embedding_field, self.content_field, ]: metadata[field] = row[field] metadata["__id"] = row[self.doc_id_field] doc = Document(page_content=row[self.content_field], metadata=metadata) docs.append(doc) return docs
@model_validator(mode="after") def initialize_bq_vector_index(self) -> Self: """ A vector index in BigQuery table enables efficient approximate vector search. """ from import bigquery # type: ignore[attr-defined] self._creating_index = self._creating_index self._have_index = self._have_index self._last_index_check = self._last_index_check if self._have_index or self._creating_index: return self table = self._bq_client.get_table(self._full_table_id) # type: ignore[union-attr] # Update existing table schema schema = table.schema.copy() if schema: ## Check if table has a schema self.table_schema = { field.field_type for field in schema} if (table.num_rows or 0) < MIN_INDEX_ROWS: self._logger.debug("Not enough rows to create a vector index.") return self if datetime.utcnow() - self._last_index_check < INDEX_CHECK_INTERVAL: return self with _vector_table_lock: self._last_index_check = datetime.utcnow() # Check if index exists, create if necessary check_query = ( f"SELECT 1 FROM `{self.project_id}." f"{self.dataset_name}" ".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VECTOR_INDEXES` WHERE" f" table_name = '{self.table_name}'" ) job = self._bq_client.query( # type: ignore[union-attr] check_query, api_method=bigquery.enums.QueryApiMethod.QUERY ) if job.result().total_rows == 0: # Need to create an index. Make it in a separate thread. self._logger.debug("Trying to create a vector index.") Thread( target=_create_bq_index, kwargs={ "bq_client": self._bq_client, "table_name": self.table_name, "full_table_id": self._full_table_id, "embedding_field": self.embedding_field, "distance_type": self.distance_type, "logger": self._logger, }, daemon=True, ).start() else: self._logger.debug("Vector index already exists.") self._have_index = True return self def _similarity_search_by_vectors_with_scores_and_embeddings( self, embeddings: List[List[float]], filter: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None, k: int = 5, batch_size: Union[int, None] = 100, ) -> List[List[List[Any]]]: """Performs a similarity search using vector embeddings This function takes a set of query embeddings and searches for similar documents It returns the top-k matching documents, along with their similarity scores and their corresponding embeddings. Args: embeddings: A list of lists, where each inner list represents a query embedding. filter: (Optional) A dictionary or a string specifying filter criteria. - If a dictionary is provided, it should map column names to their corresponding values. The method will generate SQL expressions based on the data types defined in `self.table_schema`: - For columns of type "INTEGER" or "FLOAT", the value is used directly. - For other data types, the value is enclosed in single quotes. Example: { "str_property": "foo", "int_property": 123 } - If a string is provided, it is assumed to be a valid SQL WHERE clause. k: The number of top results to return for each query. batch_size: The size of batches to process embeddings. Returns: A list of lists of lists. Each inner list represents the results for a single query, and contains elements of the form [Document, score, embedding], where: - Document: The matching document object. - score: The similarity score between the query and document. - embedding: The document's embedding. """ search_results = [] for start in range(0, len(embeddings), batch_size): # type: ignore[arg-type] end = start + batch_size # type: ignore[operator] embs_batch = embeddings[start:end] search_results.extend( self._search_embeddings(embeddings=embs_batch, filter=filter, k=k) ) return self._create_langchain_documents( search_results=list(search_results), k=k, num_queries=len(embeddings), with_embeddings=True, ) def _create_filters( self, filter: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None, ) -> str: """Creates a SQL WHERE clause based on the provided filter criteria. This function generates a SQL WHERE clause from a given filter, which can either be a dictionary of column-value pairs or a pre-formatted SQL string. If no filter is provided, it returns a default clause that evaluates to TRUE. Args: filter: (Optional) A dictionary or a string specifying filter criteria. - If a dictionary is provided, it should map column names to their corresponding values. The method will generate SQL expressions based on the data types defined in `self.table_schema`: - For columns of type "INTEGER" or "FLOAT", the value is used directly. - For other data types, the value is enclosed in single quotes. Example: { "str_property": "foo", "int_property": 123 } - If a string is provided, it is assumed to be a valid SQL WHERE clause. Returns: A string representing the SQL WHERE clause. This clause can be directly used in SQL queries to filter results. If no filter is provided, it returns the string "TRUE" to indicate that no filtering should be applied. """ if filter: # Pull BQ Vector Store information if not already done. if not self.table_schema: self._validate_bq_table() if isinstance(filter, Dict): # If Dict filters is passed filter_expressions = [] for column, value in filter.items(): if self.table_schema[column] in ["INTEGER", "FLOAT"]: # type: ignore[index] filter_expressions.append(f"{column} = {value}") else: filter_expressions.append(f"{column} = '{value}'") where_filter_expr = " AND ".join(filter_expressions) else: # If SQL clauses filters is passed where_filter_expr = filter else: where_filter_expr = "TRUE" return where_filter_expr def _create_search_query( self, num_embeddings: int, filter: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None, k: int = 5, table_to_query: Any = None, fields_to_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: # Get where filter where_filter_expr = self._create_filters(filter) if table_to_query is not None: embeddings_query = f""" with embeddings as ( SELECT {self.embedding_field}, row_num from `{table_to_query}` )""" else: embeddings_query = "with embeddings as (\n" for i in range(num_embeddings): embeddings_query += ( f"SELECT {i} as row_num, @emb_{i} AS {self.embedding_field}" if i == 0 else f"\nUNION ALL\n" f"SELECT {i} as row_num, @emb_{i} AS {self.embedding_field}" ) embeddings_query += "\n)\n" if fields_to_exclude is not None: select_clause = f"""SELECT base.* EXCEPT({','.join(fields_to_exclude)}), query.row_num, distance AS score """ else: select_clause = """SELECT base.*, query.row_num, distance AS score """ full_query = f"""{embeddings_query} {select_clause} FROM VECTOR_SEARCH( (SELECT * FROM `{self.full_table_id}` WHERE {where_filter_expr}), "{self.embedding_field}", (SELECT row_num, {self.embedding_field} FROM embeddings), distance_type => "{self.distance_type}", top_k => {k} ) """ # Wrap the Inner Query with an Outer SELECT to eliminate "base." column prefix full_query_wrapper = f""" SELECT * FROM ( {full_query} ) AS result ORDER BY row_num, score """ return full_query_wrapper def _search_embeddings( self, embeddings: List[List[float]], filter: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], str]] = None, k: int = 5, ) -> list: from import bigquery # type: ignore[attr-defined] full_query = self._create_search_query( filter=filter, k=k, num_embeddings=len(embeddings) ) job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig( query_parameters=[ bigquery.ArrayQueryParameter(f"emb_{i}", "FLOAT64", emb) for i, emb in enumerate(embeddings) ], use_query_cache=True, priority=bigquery.QueryPriority.INTERACTIVE, ) results = self._bq_client.query( # type: ignore[union-attr] full_query, job_config=job_config, api_method=bigquery.enums.QueryApiMethod.QUERY, ) return list(results) def _create_temp_bq_table( self, embeddings: Optional[List[List[float]]], expire_hours_temp_table: int = 12, ) -> "Table": """Create temporary table to store query embeddings prior to batch search""" import pandas as pd from import bigquery # type: ignore[attr-defined] df = pd.DataFrame([]) df[self.embedding_field] = embeddings df["row_num"] = list(range(len(df))) table_id = ( f"{self.project_id}." f"{self.temp_dataset_name}." f"{self.table_name}_{uuid.uuid4().hex}" ) schema = [ bigquery.SchemaField(self.embedding_field, "FLOAT64", mode="REPEATED"), bigquery.SchemaField("row_num", "INT64"), ] table_ref = bigquery.Table(table_id, schema=schema) table = self._bq_client.create_table(table_ref) table.expires = + timedelta(hours=expire_hours_temp_table) table = self._bq_client.update_table(table, ["expires"]) job = self._bq_client.load_table_from_dataframe(df, table) job.result() return table_ref def _create_langchain_documents( self, search_results: List[List[Any]], k: int, num_queries: int, with_embeddings: bool = False, ) -> List[List[List[Any]]]: if len(search_results) == 0: return [[]] result_fields = list(search_results[0].keys()) # type: ignore[attr-defined] metadata_fields = [ x for x in result_fields if x not in [self.embedding_field, self.content_field, "row_num"] ] documents = [] for result in search_results: metadata = { metadata_field: result[metadata_field] for metadata_field in metadata_fields } document = Document( page_content=result[self.content_field], # type: ignore metadata=metadata, ) if with_embeddings: document_record = [ document, metadata["score"], result[self.embedding_field], # type: ignore ] else: document_record = [document, metadata["score"]] documents.append(document_record) results_docs = [documents[i * k : (i + 1) * k] for i in range(num_queries)] return results_docs
[docs] @classmethod def from_texts( cls: Type["BigQueryVectorStore"], texts: List[str], embedding: Embeddings, metadatas: Optional[List[dict]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "BigQueryVectorStore": """Return VectorStore initialized from input texts Args: texts: List of strings to add to the vectorstore. embedding: An embedding model instance for text to vector transformations. metadatas: Optional list of metadata records associated with the texts. (ie [{"url": "", "title": "title1"}, {"url": "", "title": "title2"}]) Returns: List of ids from adding the texts into the vectorstore. """ vs_obj = BigQueryVectorStore(embedding=embedding, **kwargs) vs_obj.add_texts(texts, metadatas) return vs_obj
[docs] def to_vertex_fs_vector_store(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Creates and returns a VertexFSVectorStore instance based on configuration. This method merges the base BigQuery vector store configuration with provided keyword arguments, then uses the combined parameters to instantiate a VertexFSVectorStore. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to override or extend the base configuration. These are directly passed to the VertexFSVectorStore constructor. Returns: VertexFSVectorStore: A fully initialized VertexFSVectorStore instance\ ready for use. Raises: ImportError: If the required LangChain Google Community feature store module is not available. """ from langchain_google_community.bq_storage_vectorstores.featurestore import ( VertexFSVectorStore, ) base_params = self.model_dump( include=set(BaseBigQueryVectorStore.model_fields.keys()) ) base_params["embedding"] = self.embedding all_params = {**base_params, **kwargs} fs_obj = VertexFSVectorStore(**all_params) return fs_obj
[docs] def job_stats(self, job_id: str) -> Dict: """Return the statistics for a single job execution. Args: job_id: The BigQuery Job id. Returns: A dictionary of job statistics for a given job. You can check out more details at [BigQuery Jobs] ( """ return self._bq_client.get_job(job_id)._properties["statistics"]
def _create_bq_index( bq_client: Any, table_name: str, full_table_id: str, embedding_field: str, distance_type: str, logger: Any, ) -> bool: """ Create a BQ Vector Index if doesn't exist, if the number of rows is above MIN_INDEX_ROWS constant """ table = bq_client.get_table(full_table_id) # type: ignore[union-attr] if (table.num_rows or 0) < MIN_INDEX_ROWS: return False index_name = f"{table_name}_langchain_index" try: sql = f""" CREATE VECTOR INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `{index_name}` ON `{full_table_id}` ({embedding_field}) OPTIONS(distance_type="{distance_type}", index_type="IVF") """ bq_client.query(sql).result() # type: ignore[union-attr] return True except ClientError as ex: logger.debug("Vector index creation failed (%s).", ex.args[0]) return False