Source code for langchain_google_community.calendar.current_datetime

"""Get the current datetime according to the calendar timezone."""

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Type

from langchain_core.callbacks import CallbackManagerForToolRun
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo

from langchain_google_community.calendar.base import CalendarBaseTool

[docs] class CurrentDatetimeSchema(BaseModel): """Input for GetCurrentDatetime.""" calendar_id: Optional[str] = Field( default="primary", description="The calendar ID. Defaults to 'primary'." )
[docs] class GetCurrentDatetime(CalendarBaseTool): # type: ignore[override, override] """Tool that gets the current datetime according to the calendar timezone.""" name: str = "get_current_datetime" description: str = ( "Use this tool to get the current datetime according to the calendar timezone." "The output datetime format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'" ) args_schema: Type[CurrentDatetimeSchema] = CurrentDatetimeSchema
[docs] def get_timezone(self, calendar_id: Optional[str]) -> str: """Get the timezone of the specified calendar.""" calendars = self.api_resource.calendarList().list().execute().get("items", []) if not calendars: raise ValueError("No calendars found.") if calendar_id == "primary": return calendars[0]["timeZone"] else: for item in calendars: if item["id"] == calendar_id and item["accessRole"] != "reader": return item["timeZone"] raise ValueError(f"Timezone not found for calendar ID: {calendar_id}")
def _run( self, calendar_id: Optional[str] = "primary", run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForToolRun] = None, ) -> str: """Run the tool to create an event in Google Calendar.""" try: timezone = self.get_timezone(calendar_id) date_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return f"Time zone: {timezone}, Date and time: {date_time}" except Exception as error: raise Exception(f"An error occurred: {error}") from error