- class langchain_google_community.calendar.update_event.UpdateEventSchema[source]#
Input for CalendarUpdateEvent.
Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.
Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.
self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.
- param attendees: List[str] | None = None#
A list of attendees’ email addresses for the event.
- param calendar_id: str = 'primary'#
The calendar ID to create the event in.
- param color_id: str | None = None#
The color ID of the event. None for default. ‘1’: Lavender, ‘2’: Sage, ‘3’: Grape, ‘4’: Flamingo, ‘5’: Banana, ‘6’: Tangerine, ‘7’: Peacock, ‘8’: Graphite, ‘9’: Blueberry, ‘10’: Basil, ‘11’: Tomato.
- param conference_data: bool | None = None#
Whether to include conference data.
- param description: str | None = None#
The description of the event.
- param end_datetime: str | None = None#
The new end datetime for the event in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format. If the event is an all-day event, set the time to ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format.
- param event_id: str [Required]#
The event ID to update.
- param location: str | None = None#
The location of the event.
- param recurrence: Dict[str, Any] | None = None#
The recurrence of the event. Format: {‘FREQ’: <’DAILY’ or ‘WEEKLY’>, ‘INTERVAL’: <number>, ‘COUNT’: <number or None>, ‘UNTIL’: <’YYYYMMDD’ or None>, ‘BYDAY’: <’MO’, ‘TU’, ‘WE’, ‘TH’, ‘FR’, ‘SA’, ‘SU’ or None>}. Use either COUNT or UNTIL, but not both; set the other to None.
- param reminders: None | bool | List[Dict[str, Any]] = None#
Reminders for the event. Set to True for default reminders, or provide a list like [{‘method’: ‘email’, ‘minutes’: <minutes>}, …]. Valid methods are ‘email’ and ‘popup’.
- param send_updates: str | None = None#
Whether to send updates to attendees. Allowed values are ‘all’, ‘externalOnly’, or ‘none’.
- param start_datetime: str | None = None#
The new start datetime for the event in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format. If the event is an all-day event, set the time to ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format.
- param summary: str | None = None#
The title of the event.
- param timezone: str | None = None#
The timezone of the event.
- param transparency: str | None = None#
User availability for the event.transparent for available and opaque for busy.