
langchain.chains.openai_tools.extraction.create_extraction_chain_pydantic(pydantic_schemas: List[Type[BaseModel]] | Type[BaseModel], llm: BaseLanguageModel, system_message: str = 'Extract and save the relevant entities mentioned in the following passage together with their properties.\n\nIf a property is not present and is not required in the function parameters, do not include it in the output.') Runnable[source]#

Deprecated since version 0.1.14: LangChain has introduced a method called with_structured_output thatis available on ChatModels capable of tool calling.You can read more about the method here: <>. Please follow our extraction use case documentation for more guidelineson how to do information extraction with LLMs.<>. with_structured_output does not currently support a list of pydantic schemas. If this is a blocker or if you notice other issues, please provide feedback here:<langchain-ai/langchain#18154> Use :meth:`~ from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from langchain_anthropic import ChatAnthropic

class Joke(BaseModel):

setup: str = Field(description=”The setup of the joke”) punchline: str = Field(description=”The punchline to the joke”)

# Or any other chat model that supports tools. # Please reference to to the documentation of structured_output # to see an up to date list of which models support # with_structured_output. model = ChatAnthropic(model=”claude-3-opus-20240229”, temperature=0) structured_llm = model.with_structured_output(Joke) structured_llm.invoke(“Tell me a joke about cats.

Make sure to call the Joke function.”)

` instead. It will not be removed until langchain==1.0.

Creates a chain that extracts information from a passage.

  • pydantic_schemas (List[Type[BaseModel]] | Type[BaseModel]) – The schema of the entities to extract.

  • llm (BaseLanguageModel) – The language model to use.

  • system_message (str) – The system message to use for extraction.


A runnable that extracts information from a passage.

Return type:


Examples using create_extraction_chain_pydantic