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A Long-Term Memory Agent

This tutorial shows how to implement an agent with long-term memory capabilities using LangGraph. The agent can store, retrieve, and use memories to enhance its interactions with users.

Inspired by papers like MemGPT and distilled from our own works on long-term memory, the graph extracts memories from chat interactions and persists them to a database. "Memory" in this tutorial will be represented in two ways:

  • a piece of text information that is generated by the agent
  • structured information about entities extracted by the agent in the shape of (subject, predicate, object) knowledge triples.

This information can later be read or queried semantically to provide personalized context when your bot is responding to a particular user.

The KEY idea is that by saving memories, the agent persists information about users that is SHARED across multiple conversations (threads), which is different from memory of a single conversation that is already enabled by LangGraph's persistence.


You can also check out a full implementation of this agent in this repo.

Install dependencies​

%pip install -U --quiet langgraph langchain-openai langchain-community tiktoken
import getpass
import os

def _set_env(var: str):
if not os.environ.get(var):
os.environ[var] = getpass.getpass(f"{var}: ")

import json
from typing import List, Literal, Optional

import tiktoken
from import TavilySearchResults
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_core.embeddings import Embeddings
from langchain_core.messages import get_buffer_string
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableConfig
from import tool
from langchain_core.vectorstores import InMemoryVectorStore
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_openai.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver
from langgraph.graph import END, START, MessagesState, StateGraph
from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolNode

Define vectorstore for memories​

First, let's define the vectorstore where we will be storing our memories. Memories will be stored as embeddings and later looked up based on the conversation context. We will be using an in-memory vectorstore.

recall_vector_store = InMemoryVectorStore(OpenAIEmbeddings())

Define tools​

Next, let's define our memory tools. We will need a tool to store the memories and another tool to search them to find the most relevant memory.

import uuid

def get_user_id(config: RunnableConfig) -> str:
user_id = config["configurable"].get("user_id")
if user_id is None:
raise ValueError("User ID needs to be provided to save a memory.")

return user_id

def save_recall_memory(memory: str, config: RunnableConfig) -> str:
"""Save memory to vectorstore for later semantic retrieval."""
user_id = get_user_id(config)
document = Document(
page_content=memory, id=str(uuid.uuid4()), metadata={"user_id": user_id}
return memory

def search_recall_memories(query: str, config: RunnableConfig) -> List[str]:
"""Search for relevant memories."""
user_id = get_user_id(config)

def _filter_function(doc: Document) -> bool:
return doc.metadata.get("user_id") == user_id

documents = recall_vector_store.similarity_search(
query, k=3, filter=_filter_function
return [document.page_content for document in documents]

Additionally, let's give our agent ability to search the web using Tavily.

search = TavilySearchResults(max_results=1)
tools = [save_recall_memory, search_recall_memories, search]

Define state, nodes and edges​

Our graph state will contain just two channels -- messages for keeping track of the chat history and recall_memories -- contextual memories that will be pulled in before calling the agent and passed to the agent's system prompt.

class State(MessagesState):
# add memories that will be retrieved based on the conversation context
recall_memories: List[str]
# Define the prompt template for the agent
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
"You are a helpful assistant with advanced long-term memory"
" capabilities. Powered by a stateless LLM, you must rely on"
" external memory to store information between conversations."
" Utilize the available memory tools to store and retrieve"
" important details that will help you better attend to the user's"
" needs and understand their context.\n\n"
"Memory Usage Guidelines:\n"
"1. Actively use memory tools (save_core_memory, save_recall_memory)"
" to build a comprehensive understanding of the user.\n"
"2. Make informed suppositions and extrapolations based on stored"
" memories.\n"
"3. Regularly reflect on past interactions to identify patterns and"
" preferences.\n"
"4. Update your mental model of the user with each new piece of"
" information.\n"
"5. Cross-reference new information with existing memories for"
" consistency.\n"
"6. Prioritize storing emotional context and personal values"
" alongside facts.\n"
"7. Use memory to anticipate needs and tailor responses to the"
" user's style.\n"
"8. Recognize and acknowledge changes in the user's situation or"
" perspectives over time.\n"
"9. Leverage memories to provide personalized examples and"
" analogies.\n"
"10. Recall past challenges or successes to inform current"
" problem-solving.\n\n"
"## Recall Memories\n"
"Recall memories are contextually retrieved based on the current"
" conversation:\n{recall_memories}\n\n"
"## Instructions\n"
"Engage with the user naturally, as a trusted colleague or friend."
" There's no need to explicitly mention your memory capabilities."
" Instead, seamlessly incorporate your understanding of the user"
" into your responses. Be attentive to subtle cues and underlying"
" emotions. Adapt your communication style to match the user's"
" preferences and current emotional state. Use tools to persist"
" information you want to retain in the next conversation. If you"
" do call tools, all text preceding the tool call is an internal"
" message. Respond AFTER calling the tool, once you have"
" confirmation that the tool completed successfully.\n\n",
("placeholder", "{messages}"),
model = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-4o")
model_with_tools = model.bind_tools(tools)

tokenizer = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4o")

def agent(state: State) -> State:
"""Process the current state and generate a response using the LLM.

state (schemas.State): The current state of the conversation.

schemas.State: The updated state with the agent's response.
bound = prompt | model_with_tools
recall_str = (
"<recall_memory>\n" + "\n".join(state["recall_memories"]) + "\n</recall_memory>"
prediction = bound.invoke(
"messages": state["messages"],
"recall_memories": recall_str,
return {
"messages": [prediction],

def load_memories(state: State, config: RunnableConfig) -> State:
"""Load memories for the current conversation.

state (schemas.State): The current state of the conversation.
config (RunnableConfig): The runtime configuration for the agent.

State: The updated state with loaded memories.
convo_str = get_buffer_string(state["messages"])
convo_str = tokenizer.decode(tokenizer.encode(convo_str)[:2048])
recall_memories = search_recall_memories.invoke(convo_str, config)
return {
"recall_memories": recall_memories,

def route_tools(state: State):
"""Determine whether to use tools or end the conversation based on the last message.

state (schemas.State): The current state of the conversation.

Literal["tools", "__end__"]: The next step in the graph.
msg = state["messages"][-1]
if msg.tool_calls:
return "tools"

return END

Build the graph​

Our agent graph is going to be very similar to simple ReAct agent. The only important modification is adding a node to load memories BEFORE calling the agent for the first time.

# Create the graph and add nodes
builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("tools", ToolNode(tools))

# Add edges to the graph
builder.add_edge(START, "load_memories")
builder.add_edge("load_memories", "agent")
builder.add_conditional_edges("agent", route_tools, ["tools", END])
builder.add_edge("tools", "agent")

# Compile the graph
memory = MemorySaver()
graph = builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)
from IPython.display import Image, display


Run the agent!​

Let's run the agent for the first time and tell it some information about the user!

def pretty_print_stream_chunk(chunk):
for node, updates in chunk.items():
print(f"Update from node: {node}")
if "messages" in updates:

# NOTE: we're specifying `user_id` to save memories for a given user
config = {"configurable": {"user_id": "1", "thread_id": "1"}}

for chunk in{"messages": [("user", "my name is John")]}, config=config):
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': []}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
save_recall_memory (call_OqfbWodmrywjMnB1v3p19QLt)
Call ID: call_OqfbWodmrywjMnB1v3p19QLt
memory: User's name is John.

Update from node: tools
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: save_recall_memory

User's name is John.

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Nice to meet you, John! How can I assist you today?

You can see that the agent saved the memory about user's name. Let's add some more information about the user!

for chunk in{"messages": [("user", "i love pizza")]}, config=config):
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': ["User's name is John."]}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
save_recall_memory (call_xxEivMuWCURJrGxMZb02Eh31)
Call ID: call_xxEivMuWCURJrGxMZb02Eh31
memory: John loves pizza.

Update from node: tools
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: save_recall_memory

John loves pizza.

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Pizza is amazing! Do you have a favorite type or topping?
for chunk in
{"messages": [("user", "yes -- pepperoni!")]},
config={"configurable": {"user_id": "1", "thread_id": "1"}},
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': ["User's name is John.", 'John loves pizza.']}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
save_recall_memory (call_AFrtCVwIEr48Fim80zlhe6xg)
Call ID: call_AFrtCVwIEr48Fim80zlhe6xg
memory: John's favorite pizza topping is pepperoni.

Update from node: tools
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: save_recall_memory

John's favorite pizza topping is pepperoni.

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Pepperoni is a classic choice! Do you have a favorite pizza place, or do you enjoy making it at home?
for chunk in
{"messages": [("user", "i also just moved to new york")]},
config={"configurable": {"user_id": "1", "thread_id": "1"}},
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': ["User's name is John.", 'John loves pizza.', "John's favorite pizza topping is pepperoni."]}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
save_recall_memory (call_Na86uY9eBzaJ0sS0GM4Z9tSf)
Call ID: call_Na86uY9eBzaJ0sS0GM4Z9tSf
memory: John just moved to New York.

Update from node: tools
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: save_recall_memory

John just moved to New York.

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Welcome to New York! That's a fantastic place for a pizza lover. Have you had a chance to explore any of the famous pizzerias there yet?

Now we can use the saved information about our user on a different thread. Let's try it out:

config = {"configurable": {"user_id": "1", "thread_id": "2"}}

for chunk in
{"messages": [("user", "where should i go for dinner?")]}, config=config
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': ['John loves pizza.', "User's name is John.", 'John just moved to New York.']}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Considering you just moved to New York and love pizza, I'd recommend checking out some of the iconic pizza places in the city. Some popular spots include:

1. **Di Fara Pizza** in Brooklyn – Known for its classic New York-style pizza.
2. **Joe's Pizza** in Greenwich Village – A historic pizzeria with a great reputation.
3. **Lucali** in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn – Often ranked among the best for its delicious thin-crust pies.

Would you like more recommendations or information about any of these places?

Notice how the agent is loading the most relevant memories before answering, and in our case suggests the dinner recommendations based on both the food preferences as well as location.

Finally, let's use the search tool together with the rest of the conversation context and memory to find location of a pizzeria:

for chunk in
{"messages": [("user", "what's the address for joe's in greenwich village?")]},
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': ['John loves pizza.', 'John just moved to New York.', "John's favorite pizza topping is pepperoni."]}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
tavily_search_results_json (call_aespiB28jpTFvaC4d0qpfY6t)
Call ID: call_aespiB28jpTFvaC4d0qpfY6t
query: Joe's Pizza Greenwich Village NYC address

Update from node: tools
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: tavily_search_results_json

[{"url": "", "content": "Joe's Pizza Greenwich Village (Original Location) 7 Carmine Street New York, NY 10014 (212) 366-1182ο»Ώ Joe's Pizza Times Square 1435 Broadway New York, NY 10018 (646) 559-4878. TIMES SQUARE MENU. ORDER JOE'S TIMES SQUARE Joe's Pizza Williamsburg 216 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11249"}]

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

The address for Joe's Pizza in Greenwich Village is:

**7 Carmine Street, New York, NY 10014**

Enjoy your pizza!

If you were to pass a different user ID, the agent's response will not be personalized as we haven't saved any information about the other user:

Adding structured memories​

So far we've represented memories as strings, e.g., "John loves pizza". This is a natural representation when persisting memories to a vector store. If your use-case would benefit from other persistence backends-- such as a graph database-- we can update our application to generate memories with additional structure.

Below, we update the save_recall_memory tool to accept a list of "knowledge triples", or 3-tuples with a subject, predicate, and object, suitable for storage in a knolwedge graph. Our model will then generate these representations as part of its tool calls.

For simplicity, we use the same vector database as before, but the save_recall_memory and search_recall_memories tools could be further updated to interact with a graph database. For now, we only need to update the save_recall_memory tool:

recall_vector_store = InMemoryVectorStore(OpenAIEmbeddings())
from typing_extensions import TypedDict

class KnowledgeTriple(TypedDict):
subject: str
predicate: str
object_: str

def save_recall_memory(memories: List[KnowledgeTriple], config: RunnableConfig) -> str:
"""Save memory to vectorstore for later semantic retrieval."""
user_id = get_user_id(config)
for memory in memories:
serialized = " ".join(memory.values())
document = Document(
"user_id": user_id,
return memories

We can then compile the graph exactly as before:

tools = [save_recall_memory, search_recall_memories, search]
model_with_tools = model.bind_tools(tools)

# Create the graph and add nodes
builder = StateGraph(State)
builder.add_node("tools", ToolNode(tools))

# Add edges to the graph
builder.add_edge(START, "load_memories")
builder.add_edge("load_memories", "agent")
builder.add_conditional_edges("agent", route_tools, ["tools", END])
builder.add_edge("tools", "agent")

# Compile the graph
memory = MemorySaver()
graph = builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)
config = {"configurable": {"user_id": "3", "thread_id": "1"}}

for chunk in{"messages": [("user", "Hi, I'm Alice.")]}, config=config):
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': []}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Hello, Alice! How can I assist you today?

Note that the application elects to extract knowledge-triples from the user's statements:

for chunk in
{"messages": [("user", "My friend John likes Pizza.")]}, config=config
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': []}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
save_recall_memory (call_EQSZlvZLZpPa0OGS5Kyzy2Yz)
Call ID: call_EQSZlvZLZpPa0OGS5Kyzy2Yz
memories: [{'subject': 'Alice', 'predicate': 'has a friend', 'object_': 'John'}, {'subject': 'John', 'predicate': 'likes', 'object_': 'Pizza'}]

Update from node: tools
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: save_recall_memory

[{"subject": "Alice", "predicate": "has a friend", "object_": "John"}, {"subject": "John", "predicate": "likes", "object_": "Pizza"}]

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Got it! If you need any suggestions related to pizza or anything else, feel free to ask. What else is on your mind today?

As before, the memories generated from one thread are accessed in another thread from the same user:

config = {"configurable": {"user_id": "3", "thread_id": "2"}}

for chunk in
{"messages": [("user", "What food should I bring to John's party?")]}, config=config
Update from node: load_memories
{'recall_memories': ['John likes Pizza', 'Alice has a friend John']}

Update from node: agent
================================== Ai Message ==================================

Since John likes pizza, bringing some delicious pizza would be a great choice for the party. You might also consider asking if there are any specific toppings he prefers or if there are any dietary restrictions among the guests. This way, you can ensure everyone enjoys the food!

Optionally, for illustrative purposes we can visualize the knowledge graph extracted by the model:

%pip install -U --quiet matplotlib networkx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

# Fetch records
records = recall_vector_store.similarity_search(
"Alice", k=2, filter=lambda doc: doc.metadata["user_id"] == "3"

# Plot graph
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4), dpi=80)
G = nx.DiGraph()

for record in records:

pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "label")
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_color="red")

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