Running Agent as an Iterator
It can be useful to run the agent as an iterator, to add human-in-the-loop checks as needed.
To demonstrate the AgentExecutorIterator
functionality, we will set up a problem where an Agent must:
- Retrieve three prime numbers from a Tool
- Multiply these together.
In this simple problem we can demonstrate adding some logic to verify intermediate steps by checking whether their outputs are prime.
from langchain.agents import AgentType, initialize_agent
from langchain.chains import LLMMathChain
from langchain_core.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
from import Tool
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
API Reference:
%pip install --upgrade --quiet numexpr
# need to use GPT-4 here as GPT-3.5 does not understand, however hard you insist, that
# it should use the calculator to perform the final calculation
llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model="gpt-4")
llm_math_chain = LLMMathChain.from_llm(llm=llm, verbose=True)
Define tools which provide:
th prime number (using a small subset for this example)The
to act as a calculator
primes = {998: 7901, 999: 7907, 1000: 7919}
class CalculatorInput(BaseModel):
question: str = Field()
class PrimeInput(BaseModel):
n: int = Field()
def is_prime(n: int) -> bool:
if n <= 1 or (n % 2 == 0 and n > 2):
return False
for i in range(3, int(n**0.5) + 1, 2):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
def get_prime(n: int, primes: dict = primes) -> str:
return str(primes.get(int(n)))
async def aget_prime(n: int, primes: dict = primes) -> str:
return str(primes.get(int(n)))
tools = [
description="A tool that returns the `n`th prime number",
description="Useful for when you need to compute mathematical expressions",
Construct the agent. We will use OpenAI Functions agent here.
from langchain import hub
# Get the prompt to use - you can modify this!
# You can see the full prompt used at:
prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/openai-functions-agent")
from langchain.agents import create_openai_functions_agent
agent = create_openai_functions_agent(llm, tools, prompt)
API Reference:
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
API Reference:
Run the iteration and perform a custom check on certain steps:
question = "What is the product of the 998th, 999th and 1000th prime numbers?"
for step in agent_executor.iter({"input": question}):
if output := step.get("intermediate_step"):
action, value = output[0]
if action.tool == "GetPrime":
print(f"Checking whether {value} is prime...")
assert is_prime(int(value))
# Ask user if they want to continue
_continue = input("Should the agent continue (Y/n)?:\n") or "Y"
if _continue.lower() != "y":
[1m> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...[0m
Invoking: `GetPrime` with `{'n': 998}`
[0m[36;1m[1;3m7901[0mChecking whether 7901 is prime...
Should the agent continue (Y/n)?:
Invoking: `GetPrime` with `{'n': 999}`
[0m[36;1m[1;3m7907[0mChecking whether 7907 is prime...
Should the agent continue (Y/n)?:
Invoking: `GetPrime` with `{'n': 1000}`
[0m[36;1m[1;3m7919[0mChecking whether 7919 is prime...
Should the agent continue (Y/n)?:
Invoking: `Calculator` with `{'question': '7901 * 7907 * 7919'}`
[1m> Entering new LLMMathChain chain...[0m
7901 * 7907 * 7919[32;1m[1;3m```text
7901 * 7907 * 7919
...numexpr.evaluate("7901 7907 7919")... [0m Answer: [33;1m[1;3m494725326233[0m [1m> Finished chain.[0m [33;1m[1;3mAnswer: 494725326233[0mShould the agent continue (Y/n)?: y [32;1m[1;3mThe product of the 998th, 999th and 1000th prime numbers is 494,725,326,233.[0m
[1m> Finished chain.[0m